George Linder, product manager at Heatrae Sadia, explains how hot water cylinders and solar PV can work together to sustainably reduce energy bills.
It is estimated that 850,000 homes in the UK have solar panels, but only 50% of these homes are using all of the power their solar panels are producing. For your customers who already have solar PV, don’t miss out on telling them about the following features and benefits of using this energy to heat the water stored inside a cylinder instead.
How it works
Using solar PV generated energy to power a cylinder is made possible by a power diverter, otherwise known as a solar PV optimiser. The device is installed to measure the energy being produced by the solar PV panels on the roof, and then monitors how much of this electricity is used by appliances in the home. As soon as there is an excess of electricity being produced, these devices divert the electricity to heat the water inside the cylinder.
Making savings
Rather than sell energy back to the grid, which is often not very cost-effective, this energy can be used to heat the water stored inside a cylinder instead.
For a household already with solar PV, according to the Hot Water Association, savings of approximately £90 per year can be made for those using gas, or between £220 and £240 for those solely heated by electricity.
Compatible with most systems
For those with a hot water cylinder already, there is no need to replace the existing system as diverters should be compatible with many different models. Households wanting to replace their existing cylinder have the choice of many systems designed with solar PV in mind. Heatrae Sadia’s Megaflo Eco Solar PV Ready product is an unvented cylinder that has been designed to be used in conjunction with any PV array, existing or new. This is a great option for guaranteed PV compatibility, in addition to the fact that PV ready systems from Heatrae Sadia also come with specialist controls, the iBoost and Buddy, designed to help building occupants track their home energy status, whether importing from grid or producing spare generation.
Look no further for a full range of solutions
Heatrae Sadia has a full range of hot water solutions to ensure that no matter the requirements, there is always a product to suit. Installers can take advantage of this breadth of range, including the benefits of solar PV hot water cylinder solutions, in order to help customers make the best choice for their heating and hot water system.
For more information on the Heatrae Sadia range of solar PV got water cylinders and other hot water solutions, visit: